7 Dec, 2021 Community Creations Lifestyle & Inspiration

Community Creations: Mohammed’s Reclaimed Timber House

For a while now Mohammed has been building himself a house. After looking around and seeing the price of virgin timber, he turned to reclaimed and recycled timber as a far more economically and environmentally friendly option.

Throughout the whole process he said:

“I’ve become obsessed with wood. Especially reclaimed! It holds so much more character, it has its own unique history and story to tell, and there’s so much satisfaction in giving it a new lease of life.

Because of how long it takes to find the wood, we treat it differently. We really consider how every last piece is used, all the way down to the tiny off cuts – not one piece of wood has gone to waste. I guess in some ways you could call it a zero waste house!”

These photo’s were from Summer 2021, and we’re very excited to see the progression of the project. Keep your eyes peeled on our social media and on our news page for updates!

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