10 Jul, 2012 Projects & Initiatives

SAGE Gartnavel is now complete!


Designed by erz, it’s a beautiful, peaceful space where we hope Gartnavel Hospital patients will feel happy, relaxed and at ease.


Read more about the opening at the NHSGGC website and check out our Facebook album to see the construction!


SAGE (Sow And Grow Everywhere) was a visionary 3 year initiative to generate a change in community food growing in the Glasgow and Clyde Valley area. A joint venture with ERZ Landscape Architects, SAGE transformed derelict and vacant land into vibrant, stimulating and visually attractive spaces for people to grow their own food. It was designed as a mobile initiative – when land is required for development, the infrastructure can move to a new site. It also established a legal route to allow access (temporary licences to occupy) which could be revoked in the (unlikely) case of an owner coming up with a new commercial usage.


Learn more about SAGE here.

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