The Bright Glowing Teepee
by Nicola Tryc from Sandaig Primary
“I think we should get it because we will be responsible with it and we would have so fun and we will play all the time with it and we could pretend that it’s a car! or a boat? or something! know that all of us will love it and always play with it because it will be so so amazing that we will need to wait for our shoot because there will be so much people and we could bring our book outside and read it there because a lot of people like reading and we could imagine that we are going to Disney land, kelpies, gymnastics and a lot other stuff and I know that it will BRIGHT our school!!
I think it will be one of the best part of our school and also children won’t be bored in the playground it will be amazing and that could be a hiding spot If you play hiding seek or hiding tig or we can say it’s a island and we saw a boat and then we landed on the prettiest place it will be amazing! And it will be so colourful and it will glow with brightnesses even from so so far away you could see it because it will be so bright and glowing! And every one of us will enjoy it!”
We chose Nicola’s because of the bright shapes, abstract colours and amazing story. All round a really special entry!